Conference presentations

Cramer, E.M., Kwitonda, J. C., Sun, W., & Hazzazi, N. Improving post-pandemic online learning experiences for minority students. Paper presented to the Instructional Development Division of the National Communication Association 2023 conference in National Harbor, MD

Cramer, E.M., Babalola, B., Agosto-Maldonado, L. E., & Chung, J. E. Health-related needs of survivors of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy: Opportunities for health communication intervention. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association 2023 conference in National Harbor, MD

Priddis, D. & Cramer, E.M. (2022). It’s An Ugly Shameful Kind of Grief: Disenfranchised grief as a communicative practice among family members of individuals with substance use disorders. Paper presented at the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association 2022 conference in New Orleans, LA

Chung, J., Cramer, E.M., Mina, C., Gonzales, F., Caicedo, L., Hughley, A., Guity, J., & Few, R. (2022). Underrepresentation of African Americans and Latinos in clinical trials: Applying the Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) framework. Paper accepted to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association 2022 Conference in Paris, France

Cramer, E.M., Chung, J., Mina, C. & Gonzales, F. (2021). Community research advisors as health information mavens and culture brokers in community-based participatory research: Lessons learned from a project to enhance participation of African Americans and Latinos and reduce health disparities in clinical trials. Poster presented at the 2021 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Virtual

Cramer, E.M., Ahn, S. & Chung, J.E. (2021). Women's communication needs about preeclampsia: Applying the Theory of Motivated Information Management. Paper presented at the Health Communication Division of the National Communication Association 2021 Conference, Seattle, WA

Cramer, E.M., Chung, J.E., & Li, J. (2021). #Preeclampsiasurvivor and symbolic interactionism in women’s health research. Paper presented to the Health Communication Division of the International Communication Association 2021 Conference, Virtual

Cramer, E.M., Jenkins, B.M. & Sang, Y. (2019). What’s behind that screen(shot)? Privacy and capturing data on screen. Paper accepted to the Human Communication and Technology Division, National Communication Association 2019 Convention, Baltimore, MD

Adachi, R., Song, H., & Cramer, E.M. (2019). Using virtual reality for travel marketing: A mediating role of self-presence. Paper accepted to the Communication and the Future Division, National Communication Association 2019 Convention, Baltimore, MD

Jenkins, B.M., & Cramer, E.M. (2019). Capturing injustice: Using the screenshot as a tool for sousveillance. Paper presented at the 2019 Social Media Technology Conference and Workshop, Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. & Jenkins, B.M. (2018). What’s behind that screen(shot)? Privacy and capturing data on screen. Presentation at the 2018 Social Media Technology Conference and Workshop, Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M., Song, H., Park, N. & Lee, K. (2017, November). Cultural differences in social comparison on Facebook. Paper presented at the Human Communication and Technology Division of the National Communication Association 2017 Conference, Dallas, TX

Cramer, E.M. (2017, October). Fatherhood + mHealth: Promoting efficacy and engagement? Poster presented at RCMI Translational Science 2017 Conference, Washington, DC

Kim, S., Dellinger, J., Ahn, S., Cramer, E. M., Nicolini, K., Marks, L., Wagner, J. (2016, November). Diminishing cultural differences: Transitioning from cross- to intercultural communication. Paper accepted at the International and Intercultural Communication Division of the National Communication Association 2016 Convention, Philadelphia, PA

Cramer, E.M., & Marsh, A.K. (2016, October). Uses of community-based participatory research in fatherhood outreach: Synthesizing feedback from an online public forum. Panel presentation at the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, & Gender 2016 Conference, Oak Park, IL

Cramer, E.M. (2016, April). Incorporating issues of gender and sexuality studies into the non-gender themed class. Panel presentation at Central States Communication Association 2016 Conference, Grand Rapids, MI

Marsh, A.K. & Cramer, E.M. (2016, February). Mobile outreach: Evidence-based messaging and community engagement. Workshop presented at the 2016 Rise up Families! National Families & Fathers 17th Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA

Cramer, E.M., Song, H. & Drent, A. (2015, May). Social comparison motivations, self-esteem, and affective responses related to Facebook use. Paper presented at the Intercultural Communication Division of the International Communication Association 2015, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Kim, S., Ahn, S., Cramer, E. M., Hawkins, J., & Song, H. (2015, April). Promotive versus preventive dietary practice and self-construal: Communicating healthful food choice. Paper presented at the Health Communication Interest Group of the 2015 Central States Communication Association Conference, Madison, WI

Kim, S., Cramer, E. M., & Ahn, S. (2015, April). When a family member is ill: Implications for prosocial behavior across cultures.  Paper presented at the Intercultural Communication Interest Group of the 2015 Central States Communication Association Conference, Madison, WI

Cramer, E.M. (2014, November). Infant mortality, paternal health information behavior, and mobile health: Pathways to bridge the digital divide. Panel presentation at the National Communication Association 2014 Convention, Chicago, IL.

Kim, S., Ahn, S., & Cramer, E.M. (2014, May). The impact of self-construal on weight estimation and health practice. Paper presented at the Intercultural Communication Division of the International Communication Association 2014 Conference, Seattle, WA

Kim, S., Song, H., Cramer, E. M., & Ahn, S. (2014, May). Food preference and cultural holism. Paper presented at the competitive paper session of the Korean American Communication Association (KACA) at the International Communication Association 2014 Conference, Seattle, WA

Song, H., Cramer, E.M., McRoy, S., & Owais, R. (2014, April). Information behavior and technology use of men at risk for prostate cancer. Paper presented at the 2013 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication 2014 Conference, Lexington, KY

Becker, K., Cramer, E.M., & Priddis, D. (2014, April). Problematic integration and dying wishes: Examining spousal information-seeking about end-of-life care preferences. Paper presented at the 2013 Kentucky Conference on Health Communication 2014 Conference, Lexington, KY

Allen, M., Burrell, N., & Cramer, E.M. (2014, April). Impact of ObamaCare: Good communication is profitable and saves lives. Paper presented at the Health Communication Interest Group of the 2014 Central States Communication Association Conference, Minneapolis, MN

Cramer, E.M., Tenzek, K.E., Allen, M. (2013, November). Recognizing success in the chaplain profession: Connecting perceptions to practice. Top Four Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2013 Convention, Spiritual Communication Division, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2013, November). Advancing a communication-based theoretical approach to understanding the use and prevalence of text messaging. Presented at the National Communication Association 2013 Convention, Scholar to Scholar Division: Connecting "Old" and "New" Media Studies, Washington, DC

Tenzek, K.T., Cramer, E.M., Allen, M. (2013, November). Spirituality and coordinated management of meaning: Examining the chaplain’s role in social constructions of a “good death.” Top Four Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2013 Convention, Communication as Social Construction Division, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M, Kim, S., Herrman, A., England, N., Kim, H., Kim, J. (2013, November). Culture and context dependency: The impact on patient-physician communication. Presented at the National Communication Association 2013 Convention, International and Intercultural Communication Division, Washington, DC

Tenzek, K.E., Cramer, E.M., Allen, M. (2013, October). Standing up for spirituality: Legitimizing the role of chaplains in health care interactions. Top paper presented at the Ohio Communication Association 2013 Conference, Marietta, OH

Becker, K., Cramer, E.M., Priddis, D. (2013, September). “In sickness and in health:” Seeking information about spousal end-of-life preferences. Poster accepted to the 2013 International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Montreal, Quebec

Kim, S., England, N., Cramer, E.M., Grimes, D., Ahn, S., Kim, H., & Kim, J. (2013, August). Holistic-analytic thinking and somatization: A cross-cultural study. Paper accepted to the annual convention of World Communication Association, Seoul, South Korea.

Cramer, E.M., & Tenzek, K.E. (2013, April). Spirituality, social support, and the communicative role of the chaplain in veteran populations. Top Five Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association, Health Communication Division, Kansas City, MO

Song, H., Cramer, E.M., McRoy, S., & May, A. (2013, April). Information needs, seeking behaviors, and support among low-income expectant women. Top Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association 2013 Convention, Health Communication Division, Kansas City, MO

Cramer, E.M., & Ruiz, A. (2013, April). Topic avoidance in close friendships: An exploratory study. Top Student Paper presented at the Central States Communication Association, Interpersonal & Small Group Division, Kansas City, MO

Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Hawkins, J.M., Herrman, A. R., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J, England, N., Tenzek, K., Cramer, E.M., Omori,K., Grimes, D., & Dilbeck, K (2013, February). Promotive versus preventive dietary practice and self-construal: Communicating healthful food choice. Top Paper presented at the Western Communication Association 2013 Convention, Health Communication Interest Group, Reno, NV

Cramer, E.M. & Tenzek, K.T. (2012, November). Translating spiritual care in the chaplain profession. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2012 Convention, Religious Communication Pre-Conference, Orlando, FL

Cramer, E.M. & Mabry, E.A. (2012, November). Exploring the interaction of media richness and family characteristics in computer mediated communication. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2012 Convention, Family Communication Division, Orlando, FL

Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., Cramer, E.M., Tenzek, K., England, N., Herrman, A., Hawkins, J.M., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J., Omori, K., Grimes, D., Dilbeck, K. (2012, November). Integrating cultural worldviews into health self-assessment and behavior when a family member is ill. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2012 Convention, International/Intercultural Division, Orlando, FL

Kim, S., Lim, T., Song, H., England, N., Herrman, A., Hawkins, J., Kim, H., Ota, H., Kim, J., Kim, J., Tenzek, K., Omori, K., Cramer, E.M., Grimes, D., & Dilbeck, K. (2012, November). What’s healthy? Community perceptions of healthy food. Paper presented at the National Communication Association 2012 Convention, International/Intercultural Division, Orlando, FL

Cramer, E.M. & Mabry, E.A. (2012, July). The impact of computer-mediated communication technology on family communication patterns: An exploratory study. Paper presented at the International Association for Relationship Research 2012 Conference, Chicago, IL

Tenzek, K.E. & Cramer, E.M. (2011, November). Legitimizing spirituality: Chaplain perspectives on education, training, and roles. Paper presented at National Communication Association 2011 Convention, Health Communication Division, New Orleans, LA

Cramer, E.M. (2011, November). Giving voice to spiritual needs: Addressing patient spirituality when breaking bad news. Paper presented at National Communication Association 2011 Convention, Convention Theme Unit, New Orleans, LA

Cramer, E.M. & Tenzek, K.E. (2011, October). The blending of chaplains’ material and symbolic identities in hospice care. Paper presented at the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Chicago, IL

Cramer, E.M. (2011, October). Self-discrepancy at the end of life: Facing Death and The Cost of Dying. Paper presented at the Health Studies Division, Midwest Popular Culture Conference, Milwaukee, WI

Tenzek, K. & Cramer, E.M. (2010, April). Hospice chaplain training: A look at advertisements. Paper presented at Central States Communication Association 2011 Convention, Health Communication Division, Milwaukee, WI

Other presentations

Cramer, E.M. (2021, September 10). #PhDHacks: An irreverent guide to making the conference work for you. Invited lecture to doctoral students in the Department of Communication, Culture and Media Studies, Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2021, May 25). #Preeclampsiasurvivor and symbolic interactionism in women’s health research. GHUCCTS in the Virtual Community: Preeclampsia Awareness. GHUUCTS, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2020, August 20). Interviews and storytelling. Invited lecture to student yearbook staff, Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2020, March 23). Corporate social responsibility + climate change. Presentation to Strategic Communications Research Course, Dr. Yoonmo Sang, University of Canberra, Australia.

Wyden, R. (2019, April 13). Senator Ron Wyden Responds to HU Students Against Location Tracking [Public Affairs course taught by E.M. Cramer]. YouTube. Retrieved from

Cramer, E.M. (2019, February 8). The market: Top ten tips to get to it and through it. Invited lecture to Principles of Speech graduate teaching assistants, Howard University, Washington, DC

Murray A., Spinks, S., Charles, S., & Williams, T., (2018, November 30). Howard University PR students promote clean energy in partnership With Chesapeake Climate Action Network [CapComm course taught by E.M. Cramer]. Howard University Newsroom. Retrieved from

Cramer, E.M. (2018, October 12). The practical classroom experience. Invited lecture at Strategic, Legal, and Management Communication’s Faculty Retreat, Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2017, October). Elaboration likelihood model. Guest lecture to students in Communication Theory course at Howard University, Washington, DC

Cramer, E.M. (2016, February 25). The 6 Ps of public speaking. Presentation to North Central College Peer Health Educators, Naperville, IL 

Cramer, E.M. (2015, June 19 & August 4). Shampoo and the (herbal) essence of persuasion: Theory in action. Presentation at North Central College New Student Orientation, Naperville, IL

Wall, C. (2015, February 24). Cancer survivor, students on mission to provide all-terrain wheelchair to boy born with cancer. Fox 32 News. Retrieved from

Cramer, E.M. (2013, December). Health information behavior, technology use, and engagement of low-income expectant and recent fathers: Preliminary data. Presentation to City of Milwaukee Health Department Men’s Health Referral Network, Milwaukee, WI

Cramer, E.M. (2013, February). “I have something to tell you, I …:” Social penetration theory. Guest lecture via Skype to students in Communication Theory course at Bloomsburg University, Bloomsburg, IN

Luljak, T. (2013, January 10). How parents and college students communicate [Radio interview with E.M. Cramer and E.A. Mabry]. UWM Today. Milwaukee, WI: WUWM Milwaukee Public Radio 89.7

Quirk, K. (2012, November). Facebook or phone call? Family dynamics might decide. UWM Report, 33(8), 13.

Allen, M., Tenzek, K.E. & Cramer, E.M. (2012, April). 2011 Federation Prize Research Report: Communication at the end-of-life: The role of the chaplain. Panel presentation at the Central States Communication Association 2012 Convention, Cleveland, OH